



视频链接:对话比尔盖茨 2013博鳌亚洲论坛(英文)


Every time I come to china I get to see the incredible rate of progress which is much faster than most of the other places. There are so many examples of great innovative works have been done here. One becoming a partner of our Foundation recently is BGI, the biotechnology institute headquartered in Shenzhen. They have some amazing bioinformatic and genomic capabilities and what they are doing would be very important whether to help understand human health or areas of agriculture. It’s very interesting how they’ve gone after very young people and talented people, reminds me of the early days of Microsoft - the great energy, the minds thinking in the new ways all committed to solve the top problems in science. Reminds me when I was young and people thought of computers in very different ways than they do today.

We were working with Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and BGI on super green rice. This rice has incredible productivity. My wife and I met Dr. Li, the leading researcher for this hybrid green super rice. He explained how we gone about developing these new varieties with the extra yield and less requirements for fertilizer and water. The pilot project on list looks very good but there are still quite a bit of work to do to make sure they get out.